Saturday, April 24, 2010

The REAL story of the Three Sisters, the Blue Mountains' mountains.m4v

Or perhaps the tale goes as such:

Many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many years ago, before the dinosaurs existed, in fact, before much existed at all on earth, the gods were easily bored. They would lounge about on misty chaises and poufs, idle and inactive. After what seemed like centuries of nothing (although was probably only an hour or two) one of the gods decided enough was enough. She wanted some fun. She jumped up and down on her chaise until it broke into three large rocky pieces.

“I want some entertainment!” She threw the first rock at the God of Entertainment, Recreation and most Leisures and Hobbies.

He didn’t budge.

She threw another rock. “I WANT some entertainment!”

He continued to ignore her.

“I mean it,” she hissed. “Get us some entertainment!” She threw the third rock.

Her aim was so poor that the rocks fell down onto the earth at the same place and formed an interesting and striking rock formation (now known as the Three Sisters but should rather be alluded to as the Three Rocks Used By one God to Incite Another).
Rather than point out the beauty of the rocks on earth as a form of entertainment, the God of Entertainment, Recreation and most Leisures and Hobbies waved his hand over the earth and suddenly many forms of life appeared.

The other God stopped throwing rocks. She was fascinated by these moving, spindly earth creatures.

“You think that’s interesting,” the God of Entertainment, Recreation and most Leisures and Hobbies whispered in her ear. “Wait til we add a really silly species. You’ll be entertained, I assure it. They’ll be called humans.”

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